
The Complete Beginner’s Guide For Bird Watching In India

Birding is basically the observation of birds in their natural habitats as a hobby. Birds are beautiful creatures found in all sizes and colours, with interesting behaviours like territorial disputes, hunting bugs and handling group dynamics.

With more than 10,400 unique living species of birds, the major characteristic that distinguishes them from all other animals are their feathers. The cool part about birds is their ability to fly but what is even cooler is their ability to migrate long distances; even halfway across the planet. 

Why Bird Watching is Important – 

Birdwatching is important because it provides an intimate connection between people and their natural environment. 

Birding gets you out in nature but with a purpose of observing birds in their natural habitat. A world without birds would certainly lack the colour many crave to witness. Also when you’re out in nature, you get health benefits like exposure to more vitamin D through sunlight, holistic physical exercise, reduced feelings of stress and feeling more relaxed. Also, it’s just good to take a break from everyday hustle and being out in the lap of nature. Bird Watching has a great sense of calm and can be quite a meditative experience. This is also a wonderful way to meet and make friends with other people who are passionate about nature and wildlife. 

How to get Started With Bird Watching :

The first place for beginner’s to start with Bird watching is to look outside a window or balcony, and the next step for you would be to go to a local park near you. This gives you a chance to see and learn about a few new-to-you species while spotting some that are familiar visitors at your house. You can also set up Bird Feeders, Bird Baths, Birdhouses to attract birds in your house and nearby parks. These are the order of places that you should get started with

1. House

2. Local Parks

3. Near-by Forests 

4. Bird Sanctuaries

5. Hiking treks

Equipments needed for Bird Watching :

1. Binoculars

2. Telescope/spotting scope (with tripod)

3. Camera/video camera (camera with zoom lens) .

4. Notebook

5. Field guides (Books)

How to Attract more Birds to Your House :


1. Do Provide them with regular food and water

2. Do Have Multiple Feeders around

3. Do Wash Feeders every few weeks

4. Do Set up Birdhouse

5. Do put up bright colours 


1. Don’t spray Pesticides

2. Don’t invite predators

3. Don’t keep constantly moving water

4 Don’t keep the place dirty

Best Bird Sanctuaries in India for Bird Watching

1. Keoladeo Ghana National Park, Rajasthan :

Keoladeo Ghana National Park is a heaven for all bird enthusiasts. It is famous all over the world for its wide range of bird species which is estimated to cover over 350+ species.You can visit the official website to plan your visit here.

2. Jim Corbett National Park, Uttaranchal :

Jim Corbett National Park is located in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand state. The first national park in India, it was established in 1936 during the British Raj. It inhibits more than 586+ species of resident and migratory birds. To get more details on the first national park in India, you can visit the official website here.

3. Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, Karnataka : 

Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary is a bird sanctuary in the Mandya District of the state of Karnataka in India.  It is the largest bird sanctuary in the state. It inhibits more than 170+ species of resident and migratory birds.

Resources to learn about birds :

1. Through Images:

There are many global websites that host bird images with audio but for the Indian context, there are only few reliable ones that are updated regularly such as india nature watch that covers birds from almost all species from various regions across india.

2. Through Audio:

Xeno-Canto is most likely the world’s largest and most trustworthy audio-sharing database besides being free and open platform, its forums are popular among recordists and birders for sharing knowledge about bird calls, audio recording, and so on

3. Through both Images and Audio:

The Macaulay Library is the largest archive of bird sounds and images, as well as some videos. Access is free for anyone and contribution to the archive is made easy using eBird (more about that below).It has more than 10,000+ species of bird photographers and over 6000+ species of bird audio and video.

If you don’t want to go on websites and read about various birds but still want to learn the basics of birds, one of the best ways to learn is to follow bird photographers on social media platforms such as Instagram who put the name of the bird in the caption so that instead of mindless scrolling, you’re actually learning about birds and can identify them the next time you see them.

Best time of the day for Bird Watching :

The time of day can impact the types of birds you see. For example, many songbirds are more active in the morning, while raptors are typically more active in the afternoon. Just as humans have daily schedules, birds also have daily patterns for feeding, roosting, and other activities. Learning those patterns of behaviour can help birders learn when best to see birds.

Feeding: Birds spend the majority of their time either finding food for themself or to offer to a mate, or raising nestlings.  One of the most active feeding times is early morning as the sun rises and warms up insects, making it easier for birds to get them.

Singing: When birds are vocal, birding by ear is much easier. During the spring and summer birds are working to establish territories and attract mates, and they frequently sing in the early morning (though some do sing at night) when sounds carry further and there may be less background noise. 

Sunning: Birds that practise sunning are often easy to find in the mid-afternoon when the sun is at its highest. This can be a popular birding tactic in any season as birds use the sun for temperature regulation and feather mite control.

Drinking: Birds may drink at any time of day, but they are more likely to visit birdbaths and other water sources in the heat of the day.

Understanding the basics of bird behaviour is an easy way to learn when to go birding and will give birders plenty of opportunities to observe the various behaviours for every bird they see. In general, most of the birds are active from sunrise till 10-11 am and then during sunset.

Best Season for Bird Watching in India

As a rule, the winter months (October/November to February/March) are ideal for birdwatching – not only is the weather pleasant for them, this is also the time of year when the migratory birds come calling.

Conclusion : 

Everyone likes birds because, aside from flying, they are amazing creatures. These winged creatures represent freedom, love, and energy. I’d like to close this blog with a famous quote: “Birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are too bright, their songs are too sweet, such that they belong to Mother Nature”. Birdwatching should be a hobby for all bird lovers because it brings so much joy to observe and read about them. This blog will assist you in getting started with bird watching and developing it as a hobby over time. You can consider sharing this blog with other enthusiasts around you to spread more awareness about birdwatching in the beautiful subcontinent of India.

plan-for-Backpacking Trip

How To Prepare for Your Backpacking Trip in India (2022) | Kyari for Adventure

There are a number of questions that come to one’s mind when planning for a  backpacking trip. Where should I go? What do I pack? This article will help you in avoiding the numerous trip-planning mistakes that one can make. Backpacking is a broad topic; use this as a starting point for your planning and adapt the ideas to your trip. If you’re new to it, it can be a little intimidating, but we’ve got you covered. We understand how stressful it can be, which is why we’re here to show you the steps to plan a backpacking trip in India.

1. Decide the Where, when, with who, and why?

1. Time to spend: If you have limited time, you need to know how much you want to travel on a backpacking trip and make sure the route you choose fits your schedule. 

2. Distance you want to hike while backpacking: When you set a goal of a certain distance, you decide how many kilometres you want to walk each day so that you don’t get tired early. 

3. Region and aesthetics: If you only have a weekend, choose a location close to home so you can spend more time at the destination and less time driving. You may also decide that you want to visit a specific environment or location, which may be worth your time. Forest or desert? Do you prefer craggy peaks or lush waterfalls? These specifics will help you plan your trip.

4. Group size: If going for a backpacking hike individually, you have more flexibility in terms of hiking speed and where to stay for the night; when backpacking with others, you must accommodate the pace of the slowest member of your group. However, you can reduce your pack weight by sharing a tent, stove, food, and so on with others. Keep in mind that some trails cannot accommodate larger groups.

5. Preparation time: If you’re leaving next week, your destination may be different than if you’re leaving in three months. Are you physically fit enough to take on a difficult route with significant elevation gain at the moment? ( If not, you can refer to our camping gadgets that make trekking and camping easy 🙂

2. Plan for the Big Expenses

1. Transportation. This includes how you want to go to your destination, as well as how you get around once you arrive. Many people nowadays avoid flying and take trains in favour of more personal modes of transportation, such as renting a car. Make sure you factor in these options when budgeting for things like fuel, food pit stops, and preparing your car for extended road trips. Then consider your transportation options when you arrive: taxis, public transportation, or simply walking.

2. Lodging: This could be a significant sum of money, but fortunately with travel planning websites like MMT, Trip Advisor, Trivago amongst others, you can know exactly how much it is going to cost before you leave.

3. Food: This is determined by a variety of factors, including you’re eating habits and where you’re travelling. If you choose to eat at fancy restaurants or eat local, factor in all the possibilities as per availability. 

4. Additional Activities: Shopping, Museum or park visit, tours, excursions, and so on.

5. Souvenirs—Anything you might purchase on your trip that you would not purchase at home

6. Emergencies: First aid kit, medicines, flashlight, clothing, etc.

3. Explore What to See and Do There.

1. Go Beyond the Cities: Although visiting India’s major cities such as Delhi and Mumbai can be exciting, it is also worthwhile to venture outside of the cities and visit some of the smaller villages. The pace of life will be slower, the air will be cleaner, and you will gain a new perspective on Indian culture.

2. Outline the major activities : Outline the major activities you want to enjoy during your trip and how much they cost to ensure you have properly budgeted. Make any last-minute changes to your savings to ensure you have enough money.

3. Prioritise Activities : Additionally, have a rough idea of what activities are priorities for you before leaving the house. That way, if you run out of time or money, you can concentrate on your top activities and avoid them missing out.

4. WikiVoyage: is extremely useful for trip planning. It’s similar to Wikipedia, but for travel! You’ll find everything from where to go and what to do to how to get around and other useful information, compiled by travellers and also it is frequently updated.

4.  Make a General Checklist for Things to Carry

1. A Big Backpack: The most important piece of equipment you will need to purchase is a large backpack. It should be large enough to hold all of the gear you’ll need for your backpacking trip. 

2. A Daypack: Now that you have your large backpack to carry all of your belongings, you will need a daypack to carry with you while exploring during the day. It should be light but have enough capacity to carry all of your daily necessities such as cameras, water bottles, jackets, and so on.

3. Good Footwear: This is another important piece of equipment that we recommend you purchase. You’ll be walking in it for days on end, sometimes on uneven ground, so having good shoes that support your body without giving you blisters is essential. You should go for the ones that are more comfortable from renowned brands and can keep a spare fashion footwear in a bag. 

4. Electronics: All of your electronics’ necessities, including a Power Bank, a multi-functional charger, and a universal travel adapter.If you’re looking for camping at your destination. You can also refer to our guide to Top 13 camping gadgets to carry that will make your trip entertaining.

5. Clothing: Depending on the time of year you visit, you should dress appropriately for the weather. Prepare winter jackets and layers, summer shorts and t-shirts, and so on. You can refer to this blog for a guide to get TravelClothing101.

6. Security: Travelling alone can be dangerous if you are not cautious, so plan for the worst. Always keep a padlock on hand in case you need to lock your belongings in a locker at your hotel. For added security, you can purchase a passport bag or a money belt.

7. Packing! : What to bring depends on where you’re going, but you don’t have to have everything. You can buy what you need on the way. After all, you have to carry whatever you bring with you, so take less with you. 

5. Enjoy Your Trip!

Final Tip – Get Good Sleep Before You leave! 


This blog about How to do a Backpacking Trip in India, is created to guide you about the basics of backpacking. Don’t forget anything and have enough money for your vacation. It can be as simple as booking a flight and packing or as complicated as rearranging your entire life to backpack around the world for the rest of your life. However, regardless of how long your trip is, this list will help you stay organised and motivated as you plan your trip and venture out into the world. If you wish to set up a camp in forest during your trip, make sure to check out our product Smart Stick Guardian. This stick will provide you enough confidence to explore the unknown.