Protecting Wildlife Conservators: How the Smart Stick Forester Protects Green Guards of India

In the heart of India’s dense forests, forest rangers and guards stand as the unsung heroes of wildlife conservation. These brave individuals work tirelessly to protect our rich biodiversity, often facing threats from poachers, wild animals, and the harsh realities of nature. Historically, their primary tool for protection was a simple bamboo stick, offering little in terms of defense against these dangers. However, with the advent of the Smart Stick Forester, there is a transformative shift in how these guardians of the wild are equipped for their perilous duties.

The Evolution from Bamboo Sticks to Smart Sticks

For decades, bamboo sticks were the quintessential tool for forest guards in India. Lightweight and easily accessible, these sticks provided a minimal deterrent against wildlife. However, as the threats in the forests evolved, so too did the need for more advanced protection.

Enter the Smart Stick Forester – a state-of-the-art personal protection gadget designed specifically for forest rangers. Unlike its bamboo predecessor, the Smart Stick is equipped with modern technological features aimed at enhancing the safety and effectiveness of forest guards.

Why Forest Guards in India Don’t Carry Guns

In India, the policy regarding the arming of forest guards is influenced by various factors, including legal constraints and ethical considerations. The primary reasons include the potential for misuse, the need for rigorous training, and the ethical implications of using lethal force in wildlife areas.

This decision, while rooted in careful deliberation, leaves forest guards vulnerable. The Smart Stick Forester, with its non-lethal but highly effective features, provides a much-needed alternative to enhance their safety without resorting to firearms.

The Smart Stick Forester: A Technological Marvel

The Smart Stick Forester is not just a stick; it’s a lifeline. Here’s a closer look at its key features:

Panic Alarm

In the event of an emergency, time is of the essence. The Smart Stick is equipped with a panic alarm that can be activated with a simple press of a button. This alarm emits a loud sound, alerting nearby colleagues and potentially scaring off dangerous wildlife or would-be attackers. This immediate call for help can be the difference between life and death in a critical situation.

Bright LED Lights

Navigating through dense forests, especially during nighttime patrols, can be extremely challenging and dangerous. The Smart Stick Forester includes powerful LED lights that provide bright illumination, helping rangers see their path clearly and identify any lurking dangers. This feature not only aids in navigation but also acts as a deterrent to nocturnal predators.

Electro Shock Feature (Stun Gun)

Perhaps the most crucial feature of the Smart Stick is its electro shock capability. Designed to function as a stun gun, this feature provides a non-lethal means of self-defense. In the face of an imminent threat, a forest guard can use the stun gun to deliver a high-voltage shock, incapacitating an aggressor temporarily. This can provide precious moments for the guard to escape or call for backup, significantly increasing their chances of survival.

The Importance of Safety Gadgets for Forest Guards

Equipping forest guards with advanced safety gadgets like the Smart Stick Forester is not just a technological upgrade; it is a moral imperative. These brave individuals face daily risks that most of us can only imagine. Ensuring their safety is essential for several reasons:

  1. Protection Against Wildlife Attacks: Encounters with dangerous wildlife are a routine part of a forest guard’s job. Safety gadgets can provide immediate protection and reduce the risk of fatal encounters.
  2. Deterrence of Poachers: Forest guards often confront poachers who are heavily armed and dangerous. Equipped with gadgets like the Smart Stick, guards have a better chance of defending themselves and deterring illegal activities.
  3. Enhancing Morale and Confidence: Knowing that they have reliable tools for their protection can significantly boost the morale and confidence of forest guards, enabling them to perform their duties more effectively.
  4. Preventing Loss of Life: Ultimately, these gadgets can save lives. The panic alarm can call for immediate help, the LED lights can prevent dangerous missteps in the dark, and the electro shock feature can neutralize threats without lethal force.

Adoption of the Smart Stick Forester Across India

While the adoption of such advanced technology is often slow, it is undeniably crucial. As of now, more than 1,000 forest guards in India are equipped with the Smart Stick Forester. This innovative tool is being deployed in national parks across several states, including Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, and Odisha, among others.

These states have recognized the value of investing in the safety of their forest rangers, understanding that a well-protected guard is more effective in conserving wildlife and protecting forest resources.

Conclusion: A Step Forward for Wildlife Conservation and Ranger Safety

The Smart Stick Forester represents a significant step forward in the ongoing effort to protect those who protect our forests. By equipping forest guards with this advanced technology, we are not only enhancing their safety but also ensuring more effective conservation efforts.

It is imperative that we continue to support the adoption of such innovative tools across India. By doing so, we honor the bravery of our forest rangers and guards, providing them with the protection they deserve as they safeguard our invaluable natural heritage.


The Surprising Benefits of Outdoor Activities in Beating Addiction

Are you tired of struggling to let go of that final glass of alcohol?

Are you feeling drained from the constant pleas of your loved ones, urging you to abandon your addiction?
Are you fed up of the endless scrolling on your device, hopping from one app to another?

Do you find yourself constantly seeking virtual validation and getting overwhelmed with notifications? 

Worry not, we have a solution that would help you with just the right amount of self-care. 

Addiction is a complex and daunting issue that millions of individuals grapple with every day, significantly affecting their physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. The primary mechanism at play in this issue is the dopamine reward circuit. This circuit, present in our brains, plays a crucial role in reinforcing rewarding behaviours and contributes to the development of addictive tendencies. To effectively address these tendencies, it is essential to take an overview of the science behind it. 

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger that transmits information within the brain. Central to the brain’s reward system, dopamine plays a crucial role in developing addictive tendencies. When an individual engages in pleasurable activities,  such as eating or exercising, the brain releases dopamine, which trains them to repeat the behaviour that led to its release.

Essentially, addictive substances or addictive behaviours like video gaming, Social Media scrolling, binge eating, compulsive shopping, and gambling cause a surge in the release of dopamine in the brain that is ten times higher than that released for routine pleasurable activities, which reinforces the pleasurable experience and drives the person to repeat the same behaviour to obtain more rewards. With chronic use, the threshold for the release of dopamine release increases, leading individuals to crave and pursue addictive behaviours with an even greater intensity than before.

Although conventional treatment methods such as medication, behavioural therapy, and support groups can help, advanced research increasingly recommends the integration of alternative treatments focused on nature and adventure therapy to foster positive results.

Adventure therapy is an innovative and experiential approach to mental health treatment that combines therapeutic interventions with outdoor activities, such as hiking, rock climbing, or kayaking. This modality promotes personal growth, self-awareness, and healing by fostering connections with nature, challenging participants both physically and emotionally. Adventure therapy is effective for individuals of all ages and backgrounds, offering tailored experiences to address various mental health concerns such as addictive disorders, anxiety, depression, or trauma. 

Overcoming challenges with Mental Fortitude

By combining the power of nature, physical activity, and therapeutic interventions, adventure therapy offers a holistic approach and encourages individuals to take an active role in their own recovery and empowers them to develop the skills and mindset needed to overcome challenges both in therapy and in their everyday lives.

There are numerous ways in which adventure therapy can be a potential form of treatment for dopamine-caused addictions. 

1) Rewiring of the Dopamine Reward Pathway:

In adventure therapy, engaging in adventurous activities and overcoming challenges can trigger a sense of accomplishment and excitement. These experiences activate the brain’s reward pathways, leading to the release of dopamine. This release of dopamine can provide a natural and healthy alternative to the artificial dopamine release caused by addictive substances or behaviors.

By participating in adventure therapy, individuals with dopamine-driven addictions can experience a shift in their reward-seeking behavior. Instead of seeking out substances or behaviors that artificially elevate dopamine levels, they can find fulfillment and pleasure in the adventure activities themselves.

Additionally, adventure therapy often involves physical activity, exposure to nature, and social interactions, which can further enhance the release of dopamine and promote a sense of well-being. Physical exercise stimulates the release of endorphins (the body’s “feel-good” chemical), which further activate dopamine receptors in the brain.

Furthermore, adventure therapy can help individuals develop coping skills, emotional resilience, and a sense of self-efficacy. These factors play a crucial role in managing cravings and resisting the temptation to engage in addictive behaviors.

2) Raised self-worth and confidence: 

Adventure activities often involve overcoming physical and mental challenges. By successfully tackling these challenges, by coming out of their comfort zones, individuals develop a sense of accomplishment and build confidence in their abilities to overcome obstacles and handle challenging situations in everyday life.

Additionally, Adventure therapy fosters resilience by exposing individuals to controlled levels of stress and discomfort. As they navigate through thought-provoking and uncomfortable experiences, individuals learn better problem-solving skills and creative abilities. 

3) Positive social interactions:

Adventure therapy often includes group activities and teamwork, fostering positive social interactions and connections. Positive social interactions can also trigger the release of dopamine, enhancing the rewarding aspects of engaging with others and reinforcing prosocial behaviour.

3) Attention restoration:

Adventure therapy can help restore and improve attention and focus. Exposure to natural environments provides a respite from the constant stimuli and demands of modern life, allowing the mind to break free from the clutches of addictive patterns and recover from mental fatigue. 

Going out in nature and participating in adventure therapy can certainly be intimidating for many of us. This may be one reason why individuals often turn to their mobile screens and other addictive patterns for comfort, ultimately falling victim to addiction in the first place. To help those who feel overwhelmed by the idea of immersing themselves in nature or engaging in adventure therapy, we can offer some advice and support to make the experience more approachable and enjoyable.

a) Start small:

Instead of jumping straight into intensive outdoor activities, begin with short nature walks or gentle hikes in familiar areas. 

b) Find a supportive community:

Connecting with like-minded individuals or joining local outdoor clubs can provide encouragement, motivation, and tips on overcoming any apprehensions.

c) Learn from others:

Seeking advice from experienced outdoor enthusiasts can teach you valuable tips on how to navigate the natural environment safely and confidently.

d) Prioritise safety:

At Kyari, our mission is to ensure that you  fully immerse yourself in nature without having to worry about your safety. With this goal at the forefront, we have developed a safety gadget, the Smart Stick. This innovative tool not only provides an essential measure of protection while outdoors but also serves as a reliable companion for all your wilderness adventures.

e) Focus on the benefits:

Reminding yourself of the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of spending time in nature can help increase your motivation and discipline in life. 


The mainstay of treatment for addictive disorders traditionally involves medical management, such as pharmacological interventions, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).  However, current research suggests that adventure therapy can be a beneficial adjunct to these conventional approaches. Adventure therapy involves engaging in outdoor activities and experiential challenges to promote personal growth, self-reflection, and positive behavioural changes. By rewiring the brain’s dopamine pathway, it helps significantly to reduce reliance on dopamine-caused addictions and develop healthier coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety.

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What are Wildlife Corridors_Kyari for Wildlife Blog

What are ‘Wildlife Corridors’ and why are they crucial?

Animals have a nature to migrate from place to place rather than stay at one place for longer durations. Such seasonal migrations are facilitated by these corridors. They are crucial for ecological balance and to avoid genetic adaptation to a specific region.

What we all need to know Human wildlife conflict_Kyari for wildlife blog

What we all need to know about Human-Wildlife Conflict

Human-Wildlife Conflict is a multifaceted issue as it is very evident that there is suffering on both sides. On one hand we see extinction of different species and their loss of habitat while on the other we see many people losing their lives or means of livelihood.

This is how you can prevent crop-raiding by a stray animal in Chandrapura, Maharashtra

Chandrapura, Maharashtra has a huge problem of Human-Animal Conflict where thousands of crop-raiding cases are getting reported annually. Apart from the traditional practices that farmers use to protect their crops from wild animal intrusion, there are not many technical solutions available to help them.

Existing methods like electric fences are no longer efficient in solving such conflicts hence this should be replaced by much smarter, safer and effective device called ANIDERS. This smart solution can protect the crops from wild animals without causing any harm to the wildlife.

It can protect the crops from animals like: Elephants, Nilgai, Wild Boar, Rabbits, Deer, Etc.

It can also protect the people living around forests from wild cats like: Tiger, Leopards, etc.

How ANIDERS works?

ANIDERS is one machine that works like an automatic scarecrow. It uses Infrared Sensors to detect any animal entering the farm and then it uses a light and sound alarm system to repel the detected animal away from the farmland.  Device is solar powered, hence does not need any power supply to charge its battery. It charges itself during the day and then works throughout night.

ANIDERS is robust and can be used in any kind of weather. Using ANIDERS is remarkably simple, there is no need to set up any electrical connection. It is an independent unit that can be installed anywhere in the farmland with access to sunlight.

It can replace the need of electric fence as it builds a virtual fence around the farmland instead of making a physical fence. It is safe for the farmers and for the wild animals as well.

More about the device here.

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Actual footage of animals reacting to ANIDERS.

Strategies to protect your crop against elephants

Kodagu village, Mysore has a huge problem of Human Wildlife Conflict where thousands of crop raiding cases are getting reported annually. Apart from the traditional practices that farmers use to protect their crops from Elephant intrusion, there are not many technical solutions available to help them.

Existing methods like electric fences are no longer efficient in case of elephants because they break the fences with the help of wooden log and enter the farmlands. Once the elephant enters the farms, it is extremely difficult to scare them away because elephants have got immune to the human tricks. It is also extremely dangerous for the farmer to confront an elephant.

Installing a device called ANIDERS is a much smarter, safer and effective way to protect crops from elephants. This smart solution can protect the crops from all kinds of wild animals without causing any harm to the wildlife.

It can protect the crops from animals like: Elephants, Nilgai, Wild Boar, Rabbits, Deer, Etc.

It can also protect the people living around forests from wild cats like: Tiger, Leopards, etc.

How ANIDERS works?

ANIDERS is one machine that works like an automatic scarecrow. It uses Infrared Sensors to detect any animal entering the farm and then it uses a light and sound alarm system to repel the detected animal away from the farmland.  Device is solar powered, hence does not need any power supply to charge its battery. It charges itself during the day and then works throughout night.

ANIDERS is robust and can be used in any kind of weather. Using ANIDERS is remarkably simple, there is no need to set up any electrical connection. It is an independent unit that can be installed anywhere in the farmland with access to sunlight.

It can replace the need of electric fence as it builds a virtual fence around the farmland instead of making a physical fence. It is safe for the farmers and for the wild animals as well.

More about the device here.

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Actual footage of animals reacting to ANIDERS.

Strategies to protect your residential area from elephants

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu has a huge problem of Human-Wildlife Conflict where thousands of crop-raiding cases are getting reported annually. Apart from the traditional practices that people use to protect their themselves from Elephant intrusion, there are not many technical solutions available to help them.

Existing methods like electric fences are no longer efficient in case of elephants because they break the fences with the help of wooden log and enter the farmlands. Once the elephant enters the areas, it is extremely difficult to scare them away because elephants have got immune to the human tricks. It is also extremely dangerous for the people to confront an elephant.

Installing a device called ANIDERS is a much smarter, safer and effective way to protect crops from elephants. This smart solution can protect the crops from all kinds of wild animals without causing any harm to the wildlife.

It can protect the crops from animals like: Elephants, Nilgai, Wild Boar, Rabbits, Deer, Etc.

It can also protect the people living around forests from wild cats like: Tiger, Leopards, etc.

How ANIDERS works?

ANIDERS is one machine that works like an automatic scarecrow. It uses Infrared Sensors to detect any animal entering the farm and then it uses a light and sound alarm system to repel the detected animal away from the farmland.  The device is solar-powered, hence does not need any power supply to charge its battery. It charges itself during the day and then works throughout the night.

ANIDERS is robust and can be used in any kind of weather. Using ANIDERS is remarkably simple, there is no need to set up any electrical connection. It is an independent unit that can be installed anywhere in the farmland with access to sunlight.

It can replace the need of an electric fence as it builds a virtual fence around the farmland instead of making a physical fence. It is safe for the farmers and for the wild animals as well.

More about the device here.

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Actual footage of Elephants reacting to ANIDERS.

Strategies to protect your crop against sloth bear

Madurai, Tamil Nadu has a huge problem of Human-Wildlife Conflict where thousands of crop-raiding cases are getting reported annually. Apart from the traditional practices that farmers use to protect their crops from wild animal intrusion, there are not many technical solutions available to help them.

Existing methods like electric fences are no longer efficient in solving such conflicts hence this should be replaced by much smarter, safer and effective device called ANIDERS. This smart solution can protect the crops from wild animals without causing any harm to the wildlife.

It can protect the crops from animals like: Elephants, Bear, Nilgai, Wild Boar, Rabbits, Deer, Etc.

It can also protect the people living around forests from wild cats like: Tiger, Leopards, etc.

How ANIDERS works?

ANIDERS is one machine that works like an automatic scarecrow. It uses Infrared Sensors to detect any animal entering the farm and then it uses a light and sound alarm system to repel the detected animal away from the farmland.  Device is solar powered, hence does not need any power supply to charge its battery. It charges itself during the day and then works throughout night.

ANIDERS is robust and can be used in any kind of weather. Using ANIDERS is remarkably simple, there is no need to set up any electrical connection. It is an independent unit that can be installed anywhere in the farmland with access to sunlight.

It can replace the need of electric fence as it builds a virtual fence around the farmland instead of making a physical fence. It is safe for the farmers and for the wild animals as well.

More about the device here.

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Actual footage of animals reacting to ANIDERS.

How to easily prevent wild animals from damaging crops.

Erode, Tamil Nadu has a huge problem of Human Wildlife Conflict where thousands of crop raiding cases are getting reported annually. Apart from the traditional practices that farmers use to protect their crops from wild animal intrusion, there are not many technical solutions available to help them.

Existing methods like electric fences are no longer efficient in solving such conflicts hence this should be replaced by much smarter, safer and effective device called ANIDERS. This smart solution can protect the crops from wild animals without causing any harm to the wildlife.

It can protect the crops from animals like: Elephants, Nilgai, Wild Boar, Rabbits, Deer, Etc.

It can also protect the people living around forests from wild cats like: Tiger, Leopards, etc.

How ANIDERS works?

ANIDERS is one machine that works like an automatic scarecrow. It uses Infrared Sensors to detect any animal entering the farm and then it uses a light and sound alarm system to repel the detected animal away from the farmland.  Device is solar powered, hence does not need any power supply to charge its battery. It charges itself during the day and then works throughout night.

ANIDERS is robust and can be used in any kind of weather. Using ANIDERS is remarkably simple, there is no need to set up any electrical connection. It is an independent unit that can be installed anywhere in the farmland with access to sunlight.

It can replace the need of electric fence as it builds a virtual fence around the farmland instead of making a physical fence. It is safe for the farmers and for the wild animals as well.

More about the device here.

Link to news

Actual footage of animals reacting to ANIDERS.